Ta–coumba Aiken is an artist and educator who focuses on public art and collaborative projects. His “rhythm paintings” on paper and canvas are loose and lively. He has participated in the creation of over 300 murals and public art sculptures with themes ranging from local history to the artist's own style of rhythmic pattern and spirit writing. His works can be found in public and private collections including those of the Walker Art Center, General Mills, Herbie Hancock, Taj Mahal, and Maya Angelou. Check out more of his work at ta-coumbaaiken.com
As a part of the South Loop Design Charrette, Ta-coumba will be creating a Living Mural, a vision of the future and the past woven to create a new story to give a visual voice to the South Loop. Yesterday we kicked off the creation of the Living Mural at Art in the Parks leading up to the Minnesota Symponic Winds performance at Normandale Lake. The event had a great turn out and we had the opportunity to meet and make art with a ton of Bloomington residents.
The Living Mural is off to a good start...I hope we have enough canvas!